Writing Tip Wednesday: NaNoWriMo Prep.

I’m not doing NaNo this year, I’m editing at the moment, but I know a lot of you are. Janice Hardy over at Fiction University has some great articles on prepping for NaNoWriMo that I thought I’d share with you. She covers preparing your beginning, middle and end, and they are great tips for anyone writing a novel, even if you’re not trying to do it in a month.

Here are the links to the articles:

Planning Your Novel.

Planning Your Novel’s Beginning.

Planning Your Novel’s Middle.

Planning Your Novel’s End.

Good luck to everyone doing NaNo. My only advice would be to try your hardest to stick to the daily word goal and not fall behind because once you do it is very hard to catch up.

10 thoughts on “Writing Tip Wednesday: NaNoWriMo Prep.

    1. I know what you mean by busy! I was hoping to give it a shot this year, but the editing of my YA fantasy is going much slower than I had hoped and I won’t be done by November.

  1. I’m definitely doing NaNoWriMo this year, so I’ll be checking out those links. Thanks for sharing. I do agree with you when you say to keep up with the word goals, but not only is it hard to catch up, but it can get disheartening when you fall behind! πŸ™‚ Hopefully this’ll be my third year in a row winning it. πŸ˜€

  2. I was amazed at all the Aussie YA bloggers that are aspiring authors, I don’t know if it’s because I’d never noticed or that they are all at that point where they want to share their talent with the rest of us. But it’s all incredibly exciting! We should do a feature on the AusYABloggers group blog with snippets from everyone’s work. Thanks for sharing Rochelle, and good luck with prepping for the big moth ahead! ❀

    1. Reading and writing go hand in hand so I guess that’s why a lot of bloggers are also writers. Interesting idea. I’m game if the others are πŸ™‚

    1. I think you’re suppose to start a new novel, having it planned already is OK. And you don’t have to do it officially to participate. Go for it, I say.

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